service production
For your needs we can perform the following services:
The companies we have worked for and are doing service production for
- Vama doo
- Medical Solution
- Gifing product corporation
- Biosativa doo
- Premium Slim doo
- Feliča doo
- Dr Popović
- Pro natura doo
- Alka vegul
- …
Forms of finished product that Vitalon offers:
- 250mg, 650mg, 950 mg tablet
- 250mg, 650mg, 950 mg compress
- blister of 10 tablets, 15 tablets
- liquid extract
- powder form of the finished product (food product or dietary supplement)
- granulated fruit
- dry extract powder
- cosmetic products: oils, creams, lotions
We can adjust the shape of the finished product according to your request, for example the tablet can be of 200 mg, and 500mg, etc..